The Relationship between Isoniazid Resistance and 463 CodonMutation of katG Gne in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
Young Kil Park, Myung Sup Shim, Sang Hyun Cho, Gill Han Bai, Sang Jae Kim
Tuberc Respir Dis. 1996;43(1):8-13.   Published online 1996 Feb 1     DOI:
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Mutations of katG and inhA in MDR M. tuberculosis
Hai Hua Lin, Hee-Youn Kim, Yeo-Jun Yun, Chan Geun Park, Bum-Joon Kim, Young-Gil Park, Yoon-Hoh Kook
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases.2007; 63(2): 128.     CrossRef