Synchronous Roentgenographically Occult Lung Carcinoma Treated with Argon Plasma Coagulation in a Patient with Resectable Primary Lung Cancer. |
Mi Hye Kwon, Mi Il Kang, Ji Hyun Jeong, Hee Kwan Won, Hyun Woong Park, Jung Ho Park, Sung Tae Kim, Sun Jung Kwon, Eugene Choi, Moon Jun Na, Hyun Min Cho, Young Jin Kim, Yoon Mee Kim, Young Jun Cho, Ji Woong Son |
1Department of Internal Medicine, Konyang University College of Medicine, Daejon, Korea. 2Department of Chest Surgery, Konyang University College of Medicine, Daejon, Korea. 3Department of Pathology, Konyang University College of Medicine, Daejon, Korea. 4Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Konyang University College of Medicine, Daejon, Korea. |
Abstract |
We treated synchronous double primary lung cancers, where one site resulted from CIS disease, with lobectomy and argon plasma coagulation (APC) in a patient who couldn't tolerate pneumonectomy, which resulted in a reduction of the extent of surgery. APC could be a reasonable alternative for CIS disease of lung in inoperable patients. |
Key Words:
Synchronous Roentgenographically Occult Lung Carcinoma (ROLC), Carcinoma in situ, Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC) |