Pulmonary Resection in the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis. |
Eun Soo Kwon, Hyun Cheol Ha, Su Hee Hwang, Hung Yol Lee, Seung Kyu Park, Sun Dae Song |
National Masan Tuberculosis Hospital, Masan, Korea. |
Abstract |
BACKGROUND Recent outbreaks of pulmonary disease due to drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium Tuber-culosis have resulted in significant morbidity and mortality in patients worldwide. We reviewed our experience to evaluate the effects of pulmonary resection on the managenent of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. METHOD: A retrospective review was performed of 41 patients undergoing pulmonary resection for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis between January 1993 and December 1997. We divided these into 3 groups according to the radiologic findigs : (1) patients who have reasonably localized lesion ( Localized Lesion Group ; LLG) (2) patients who have cavitary lesion after pulmonary resection on chest roentgenogram (Remained Cavity Group : RCG). (3) patients who have Remained infiltrative lesions postoperatively (Remained infiltrative group : RIG). We evaluated the negative conversion rate after resection and overall response rate of the groups. Then they were compared with the results of the chemotherapy on the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis which has been outcome by Goble et al. Goble et al reported that negative conversion rate was 65% and overall response rate, 56% over a mean period of 5.1 months. RESULTS: Seventy five point six percent were men and 24.4% woment with a median age of 31 years (range, 16 to 60 years). Although the patients were treated preoperatively with multidrug regimens in an effort to reduce the mycobacterial burden, 22 of 41 were still sputum culture positive at the time of surgery. 20 of 22 patients (90.9%, p<0.01) responded which is defined as negative sputum cultures within 2 months postoperative. Of 26 patients with the sufficient follow up data, 19 have Remained sputum culture negative for a mean duration of 25.7 months (73.1%, p<0.05). The bulk of the disease was manifest in one lung, but lesser amounts of contralateral disease were demonstrated in 15, consisted of 8 in RIG and 7 in RCG, of 41. 12 of 12 patients (100%, p<0.01) who were sputum positive at the time of surgery in LLG converted successfully. 14 of 15 patients (93.3%, p<0.05) with the follow up have completed treatment and not relapsed for a mean period of 25.7 months. The mean length of postoperative drug therapy off LLG was 12.2 months. In RIG, postoperative negative conversion rate was 83.3% which was not significant statistically. There was a statistical significance in overall response rate (100%, p<0.05) of RIG for a mean period of 24.4 months with a mean length of postoperative chemotherapy, 11.8 months. In RCG a statistically lower overall response rate (14.3%, p<0.01) has been revealed for a mean duration of follow up, 24.2 months. A negative conversion rate of RCG was 75% which was not significant statistically. CONCLUSION: Surgery plays an important role in the management of patients with multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Aggressive pulmonary resection should be performed for resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection to avoid treatment failture or relapse. Especially all cavitary lesions on preoperative chest roentgenogram should be resected completely. If all them could not be resected perfectly, you should not open the thorax. |
Key Words:
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, Pulmonary resection |