Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 44(6); 1997 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1997;44(6):1285-1295.
DOI:    Published online December 1, 1997.
Expression of EGFR in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer and its Effects on Survival.
Hak Ryul Kim, Eun Taik Jeong
Department of Internal Medicine Wonkwang University College of Medicine, Iksan, Korea.
EGFR is one of the initial step in signal transduction pathway about multistep carcinogenesis. It is homologous to oncogene erbB-2 and is the receptor for EGF and TGF alpha. EGFR has important role in the growth and differentiation of tumor cells. So, EGFR in non-small cell lung cancer was examined to search for possible evidence as clinical prognostic factor. METHODS: To investigate the role of EGFR in lung cancer, the author performed immunohistochemical stain of EGFR on 57 resected primary non-small cell lung cancer specimens. And the author analyzed the correlation between EGFR expression, clinical parameters, S and G1 phase fraction and survival. RESULTS: 1) EGFR were detected in 56% of total 57 patients (according to histologic type, squamous cancer 50%, adenocarcinoma 63%, large cell cancer 75%) (according to TNM stage, stage I 64%, stage II 38%, stage III 55%) (according to cellular differentiation, well 50%, moderately 52%, poorly 65%). All differences were insignificant. 2) Using the flow cytometric analysis, mean S-phase fraction of EGFR (+) and (-) group were 22.3(+/-10.5)%. 18.0(+/-10.9)% (p>0.05), mean G1-phase fraction of EGFR (+) and (-) group were 68.4(+/-11.6)%, 71.1(+/-12.8)%, (p>0.05) 3) Two-year survival rate of EGFR (+) and (-) group were 53%, 84%, median survival time of EGFR (+) and (-) group were 26, 53 months. (p<0.05, Kaplan-Meier, generalized Wilcox) CONCLUISON: EGFR immunostaining may be a simple and useful method for survival prediction in non-small cell lung cancer.
Key Words: EGFR, Survival, Lung cancer

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