A Case of Tracheal Neurilemmoma Which was Completely Removed by Bronchoscopic Laser Therapy. |
Chul Soo Park, Joong Hyun Ahn, Woo Seung Shin, Sang Joon Lee, Baek Jong Suh, Sun Suk Kwon, Young Kyoon Kim, Hwa Sik Moon, Jeong Sup Song, Sung Hak Park |
Abstract |
Benign Tracheobroncheal tumor is a rare disease such as 1.9% of all tumor of pulmonary origin. Because clinical manifestation of benign tracheal tumor resembles that of broncheal asthma, these patients are usually treated in a way that used in broncheal asthma. Therefore, the diagnosis is delayed. We experienced a case of tracheal neurilemmoma that awed by bronchoscopic laser therapy. A 23-year-old woman visited ow hospital be cause of progressing dyspnea especially during inspiration. She was treated with aminophylline and 2 agonist under the impression of bronchial asthma at a local clinic. But because the symptoms were not relieved and pulmonary function test revealed variable extrathoracic lesion, we conducted bronclxaopy and biopsy. There were 1.5 x 2cm sized movable mass with stalk attached right anterior wall of bronchus. The biopsy result was neurilemmoma. Therefore we conducted bronchoscopic Laser therapy four times and the lesion disappeared in bronchosccpy and chest CT. |
Key Words:
Tracheal neurilemomma, Bronchoscopic laser Therapy |