Clinical Characteristics of Pulmonary Aspergillosis. |
Ik Soo Park, Ho Joo Yoon, Dong Ho Shin, Sung Soo Park, Jung Hee Lee |
Abstract |
BACKGROUND Genus of Aspergilli are ubiquitous saprophytic molds in nature, but its change from a saprophytic fungus to a pathogenic organism has occurred since the use of various antibiotics. The fungus affects the chronically ill and debilitated population. Recently frequency of the fungal infection is increasing in Korea with abuse of antibiotics and glucocorticoids. METHOD: We analyzed medical records of 52 patients with pulmonary aspergillosis seen at Hanyang University Hospital from 1980 to 1994. The results were as follows; RESULTS: 1) Ages ranged between second to eighth decades with majority(50%) in the fourth to fifth decades. The male to female ratio was 1.1:1. 2) Hemoptysis and productive cough, the leading symptoms, occurred in 42.3% and 25% respectively. 3) On chest X-ray fingings, the characteristic 'fungus ball' pattern were observed in 53.8% of the 52 cases. 4) Sputum culture for aspergilli were positive in 21.6% of the cases. We performed foe needle aspiration in 22 patients and the diagnostic yield was 100%. 5) Thirty-six patients had history of treatment with antituberculous drugs under diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis for an average of 27.3 months. But sputum analysis for acid-fast bacilli were positive in 5.6%(2cases of 36cases), and postoperative pathologic findings showed that 38.9% (12 cases of 28cases) were combined with tuberculosis. 6) Right upper and left upper lobes were predominantly involved(34.6% and 19.2% respectively) and lobectomies were performed in 21 cases. 7) Underlying diseases were present in 47 cases and 48.9% of them were pulmonary tuberculosis. CONCLUSION: These results showed that pulmonary aspergillosis usually develops in patients with open cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis. And we must consider the possibility of pulmonary aspergillosis in a patient with hemoptysis and cavitary lung lesion. |
Key Words:
Aspergillus, Lung |