A case of tuberous sclerosis with pulmonary involvement. |
Jong Ho Ahn, Gee Young Suh, Young Whan Kim, Young Soo Shim, Keun Youl Kim, Yong Chol Han |
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Abstract |
Tuberous sclerosis is a syndrome characterized by the facial skin lesion, epi1epsy, and mental retardation. Pulmonary involvement is uncommon, but when the lung is involved by tuberous sclerosis it shows characteristic reticulonodular infi1 tration and cystic changes. We experienced a 34-year-old female patient of known tuberous sclerosis admitted due to pneumothorax. Chest PA showed diffuse fine reticulonodular infiltration and chest CT revealed diffuse cystic changes of the lung. Pleurodesis with tetracycline was done to prevent recurrence, but chylothorax occurred four months after the treatment. Pleurosis was tried again and antiestrogen treatment began. |
Key Words:
Tuberous sclerosis, Lymphangioleiomyomatosis |