Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 16(1); 1969 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1969;16(1):24-28.
DOI:    Published online March 1, 1969.
A Survey of the Prevalence Rate of Pulm. Tuberculosis on the Leprosy-patients in National Gaeng Saeng Won
Kyu Tai Kim
SchooI of Public HeaIth SeouI NationaI Univercity, Seoul, Korea
갱생원 나환자의 결핵실태에 관한 조사
The roentganologicaI and bacteriological examination were carried out to find out the tuberculosis morbidity and correlation between Ieprosy and tuberculosis of the 4,350 Ieprous-patients (93.9 % of whole patients) in National Gaeng Saeng Won during the period of May 1, 1965 to June 30, 1965. The resuIts were as foIIows: 1) The prevalence rate of active pulm. Tuberculosis by the roentoganologicaI examination was 4. 57% (6.26 % in male and 2.21 % in female). 2) The prevalence rate increased with the increace of age. 3) By the extent of disease in pulm, tuberculosis 2.25% (89 cases) were minimal, 1.49% (65cases) moderatly advanced and 0.82 (36 cases) for advanced. 4) The prevalence rate of bacteriologicaIIy proven cases was 0.8 %. 5) According to the causes of death by autopsy, tubercalosis mortality rate was highest with about 40 %. 6) Significant difference of tuberculosis morbidities among three leprous-types (in lepromatous, tuberculoid and borderline type) were not found.

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