A Survey of the Prevalence Rate of Pulm. Tuberculosis on the Leprosy-patients in National Gaeng Saeng Won |
Kyu Tai Kim |
SchooI of Public HeaIth SeouI NationaI Univercity, Seoul, Korea |
갱생원 나환자의 결핵실태에 관한 조사 |
김규태 |
Abstract |
The roentganologicaI and bacteriological examination were carried out to find out the tuberculosis morbidity and correlation between Ieprosy and tuberculosis of the 4,350 Ieprous-patients (93.9 % of whole patients) in National Gaeng Saeng Won during the period of May 1, 1965 to June 30, 1965.
The resuIts were as foIIows:
1) The prevalence rate of active pulm. Tuberculosis by the roentoganologicaI examination was 4. 57% (6.26 % in male and 2.21 % in female).
2) The prevalence rate increased with the increace of age.
3) By the extent of disease in pulm, tuberculosis 2.25% (89 cases) were minimal, 1.49% (65cases) moderatly advanced and 0.82 (36 cases) for advanced.
4) The prevalence rate of bacteriologicaIIy proven cases was 0.8 %.
5) According to the causes of death by autopsy, tubercalosis mortality rate was highest with about 40 %.
6) Significant difference of tuberculosis morbidities among three leprous-types (in lepromatous, tuberculoid and borderline type) were not found. |