The Influence of Prednisolon on Rabbits Susceptibility to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Var. Hominis Infection |
Hae Won Pyun |
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Catholic Medical CoIIege, Seoul, Korea |
Prednisolon이 인형 결핵균에 대한 가토의 감수성에 미치는 영향 |
변해원, 이찬세 |
Abstract |
In order to whether prednisolon increases the rabbit's susceptibility to human type mycobacterium,
the foIIowing experiment was carried out.
Rabbit No. I; 1mg bovine mycobacterium were inoculated subcutaneously.
Rabbit No. II, III, lV; 10mg H37Rv were inoculated and 1mg prednisolon was injected daiIy for 6 months. Rabbit No. V, VI; 10mg H37Rv were inoculated. 6 months later. all of the rabbits were sacrificed, and the tissues of the inoculated locations, lungs, spleens, livers, kidneies and omentums were examined macroscopically for gross patology, and viable counts were tested.
The results observed are as fallows.
Rabbit No. II, III, lV, infected with H37Rv and treated with prednisolon, showed more disseminated and severer taberculosis than the others; NO. I infected with bovine mycobacteria, and No. V and VI, infected with H37Rv without prednisolon treatment. The results observed could be interpreted as a increascd susceptibility of the rabbit to H37Rv by prednisolon treatment. |