A Case Report of Bronchogenic Cyst |
W. Y. Lee, S. S. Ham, C. S. Hong, H. D. Kim, Ki Ho Kim |
Chest Medicine, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea |
기관지낭종의 1예 보고 |
이원영, 함성숙, 홍천수, 김형덕, 김기호 |
Abstract |
The bronchogeníc cyst was reported at fírst by Morgagni in 1769. Lederer et al reported the incidence of bronchogenic cyst which was 5 per 100,000 young men wíthollt any sllbjective symptoms of it.
In Korea, Ham reported the suggestive bronchogenic cysts of two case in 1967, and Park reported another case in 1970 at Yonsei University Medical Center.
This 21-year-old woman have had intermittent cough with foul odored sputum expectoration and left side chest pain for 10 years. Seven years and 5 years ago, she was dingnosed and treated of bronchitis at local clinic. Eight months prior to admission, she was suspected of lung abscess on her chest x-ray film and treated with slight ímprovement. One month prior to admission, above stated symptoms were noted again.
On admission, there were no objective signs at all. On 7th hospital day, the left lower lobectomy was performed under the impression of pulmonary cyst on her bronchogram. The congenital bronchogenic cyst was confirmed by Pathologically post-operatively. |