A Case of Bronchial Adenoma, Cylindromatous Type |
S. S. Ham, H. D. Kim, B. S. Shim, W. Y. Lee, Ki Ho Kim |
Chest Meddine, College of Medicine Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea |
기관지선종(Cylindroma형)의 1예 보고 |
함성숙, 김형덕, 심봉섭, 이원영, 김기호 |
Abstract |
Bronchial adenoma constitute about 1.2% all primary cancers of the lung. and is a slow growing,
highly vascular tumor frequently located in the larger bronchi or trachea. Bronchial adenoma must be differentiated from typical epidermoid and adenocarcinoma because of the marked diffence in their clinical course and prognosis. There are three types of bronchial adenoms: the carcinoid which is the most common and has a good prognosis if properly treated, the cylindroma which is a malignant with uncertain prognosis but which may grow slowly over a period of years, and the mucoepidermoid which is uncommon and usually does not recur after adequate removal. Bronchial adenoma occurs rather frequently in female than in male. and the majority of them attacked in between 1st and 3rd decades. The most common complaints were hemoptysis, cough, blood tinged sputum, recurrent pneumonitis, and dyspnea. And occasionally chest pain, wheezing, pleuritis, and bronchitismay be noted.
We have had an experience of bronchial adenoma which was cylindromatous type. The diagnosis was proved by means of bronchial biopsy and surgery.
The 47-year-old male have been suffered from miId exertíonal dyspnea, cough, blood tinged sputum and recurrent pneumonitis for 11 months. On admission atelectasis was noted on left entire lung field.
Bronchoscopy revealed that the left main bronchus was obstructed completely by intrabronchial mass.
The mass was lobulated, global, smooth surfaced and easily bled on touch. |