Clinical Observation on 116 Cases of Bronchial Asthma |
Yung Kee Shin |
Department of lnternal Medicine, College of Medicine, Busan National University, Busan, Korea |
기관지 천식증(116예)에 대한 임상적 고찰 |
신영기 |
Abstract |
Clinical observation was made on 116 cases of bronchial asthma, visited Busan National
University Hospital from January 1973 to December 1976.
The results obtained were as follows:
1. Seventy two cases (62.0) of 116 asthma patients were male and 44 cases were female.
2. The peak age group was in the fifth decade (40 cases, 34.5%) and the remaining incidence of age group was in the following order, ie, the fourth decade (24 cases, 20.7%), the seventh & second decade (each 16 cases, 13.8%) the third (12 cases, 10.3%) and the sixth decade (8 cases, 6. 9%).
3. The perennial type (69.0%) was more prevalent than the seasonal type (31. 0%) and the peak seasonal type was winter one (21.0%).
4. The duration of illness was less than 10 years in most cases (69. 0%) and the attack time during the day was most common in the night (64 cases, 55.20%) and the whole day in 28 cases, 24. 1 %, the day time 24 cases, 20.7% respectively.
5. The duration of attacks was over 24 hours in 59 cases (50.9%) and less than 1 hour in 28 cases (24.1%).
6. Degree of relieveness during the interval between asthma attacks was complete in 76 cases (65. 5%) & only partial in 40 cases (34.5%).
7. Twenty five cases (21. 6% of 116 asthma patients) had other allergic history, ie, among them urticaria 21. 6%, food allergy 20.7%, eczema 20.7%, rhinitis 12.9% and others 10. 3% respectively.
Twenty high cases (24. 1 %) had also family allergic history.
8. The most important precipitating or aggravating factors were weather change (37.9%),
upper respiratory infection (27.6%) and food (13.8%) and no apparent factors were recognized in 24 cases (20.7%).
9. The peripheral eosinophil count mùre than 250/ mm3 was in 24 cases (20.1%).
10. Therapeutic responses to symptomatic bronchodilator drug treatment were good in 84 cases (72.4% ), fair in 24 cases (20.7%) and poor in 8 cases (6.9%). |