The Clinical Trends and Results of Patient Treated on TB Clinic of Koje Island Community Health Project |
Yung Woo Shin |
Department of Internal Medicine, Il Sin Women' s Hospital, Busan, Korea |
거제지역 결핵 진료소 등록 폐결핵 환자의 추구 관찰 |
신영우 |
Abstract |
The folIowing are the results of a thorough investigation of the newly registered pulmonary TB patients at the TB clinic of Koje Island Community Health Project for the 4 years 1971-1974.
1. The number of registered patients for 1971, 1972, 1973 and 1974 were 106, 102, 101 and 99 respectively. 65% were male and 35% female.
2. The ratio of registered patients according to ages to the number of expected TB patients was the highest between 20-39 years; below and above these ages gradually become lower.
3. The further away the people were from the TB clinic the smalIer the number of patients registered.
4. Within a radius of 5 km. from the TB. clinic the new general out-patients increased each year but there was no variation in the number of the newly registered TB patients.
5. Out of registered patients there were 36.3 % with minimal TB; 31. 6% moderately advanced cases; and 32.1% far advanced cases. 35.8% with cavity and on the whole the severe cases tended to be among the older age group.
6. 33.1% of registered patients had had treatment in the past and these patpients tended to be the more severe cases.
7. Positive bacteriological tests were found in 36.0 %; 10.1 % minimal cases; 36.4% moderately advanced cases; and 64.9% far advanced cases.
8. In 85.9% of patients primary anti-TB drugs were ordered.
9. On the whole those who had regular follow up studies and chemotherapy within 6 months were 65-70%, 70-80% for 7-12 months, and more than 80% after 12 months.
10. Comparing those who had regular medication wi th those who had irregular, the number who showed impro vement in chest X-rays was high and the number who got worse was very much lower.
11. Of those who had positive bacteriology 58.8 % were negative a year later, and 66.7 % of those who had had regular treatment.
12. Of those who were positive bacteriology at registration 30% stopped treatment within 6 months.
13. Of patients registered 13.6% were cured within a year and 40% were cured within 2 years,
but of those who received continuous treatment 59.3% were cured within 2 years.
14. 33.4 % stopped treatment within 6 months, 16.6% from 7-12 months, and 13.1 % 13-24 months.
15. Reasons for stopping treatment were; financial 30.3% and not ill 30.3%.
16. The percentage of those who were cured at Hacheong Myun and ]angmog Myun which border on the TB clinic was much the same as in other parts of the Island, but the number who stopped treatment was much lower. |