Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 25(4); 1978 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1978;25(4):149-160.
DOI:    Published online December 1, 1978.
The Clinical Trends and Results of Patient Treated on TB Clinic of Koje Island Community Health Project
Yung Woo Shin
Department of Internal Medicine, Il Sin Women' s Hospital, Busan, Korea
거제지역 결핵 진료소 등록 폐결핵 환자의 추구 관찰
The folIowing are the results of a thorough investigation of the newly registered pulmonary TB patients at the TB clinic of Koje Island Community Health Project for the 4 years 1971-1974. 1. The number of registered patients for 1971, 1972, 1973 and 1974 were 106, 102, 101 and 99 respectively. 65% were male and 35% female. 2. The ratio of registered patients according to ages to the number of expected TB patients was the highest between 20-39 years; below and above these ages gradually become lower. 3. The further away the people were from the TB clinic the smalIer the number of patients registered. 4. Within a radius of 5 km. from the TB. clinic the new general out-patients increased each year but there was no variation in the number of the newly registered TB patients. 5. Out of registered patients there were 36.3 % with minimal TB; 31. 6% moderately advanced cases; and 32.1% far advanced cases. 35.8% with cavity and on the whole the severe cases tended to be among the older age group. 6. 33.1% of registered patients had had treatment in the past and these patpients tended to be the more severe cases. 7. Positive bacteriological tests were found in 36.0 %; 10.1 % minimal cases; 36.4% moderately advanced cases; and 64.9% far advanced cases. 8. In 85.9% of patients primary anti-TB drugs were ordered. 9. On the whole those who had regular follow up studies and chemotherapy within 6 months were 65-70%, 70-80% for 7-12 months, and more than 80% after 12 months. 10. Comparing those who had regular medication wi th those who had irregular, the number who showed impro vement in chest X-rays was high and the number who got worse was very much lower. 11. Of those who had positive bacteriology 58.8 % were negative a year later, and 66.7 % of those who had had regular treatment. 12. Of those who were positive bacteriology at registration 30% stopped treatment within 6 months. 13. Of patients registered 13.6% were cured within a year and 40% were cured within 2 years, but of those who received continuous treatment 59.3% were cured within 2 years. 14. 33.4 % stopped treatment within 6 months, 16.6% from 7-12 months, and 13.1 % 13-24 months. 15. Reasons for stopping treatment were; financial 30.3% and not ill 30.3%. 16. The percentage of those who were cured at Hacheong Myun and ]angmog Myun which border on the TB clinic was much the same as in other parts of the Island, but the number who stopped treatment was much lower.

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