Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 27(1); 1980 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1980;27(1):19-26.
DOI:    Published online March 1, 1980.
Study on Tuberactinomycin-N (TUM-N) (Part 2) -Crossresistance of Tubercle Bacilli to TUM-N, VM, CPM, KM, and SM-
Gill Han Bai, Sung Chin Kim
The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis, KNT A
항결핵 약제 Tuberactinomycin-N에 관한 기초실험 -제2보 Tuberactinomycin-N과 Viomycin, Capreomycin, Kanamycin, Streptomycin간의 교차내성에 관한 실험-
배길한, 김성진
There have been many reports on crossresistance of M. tuberculosis to tuberactinomycin-N (TUM-N), viomycin(VM), capreomycin(CPM), kanamycin(KM) and streptomycin(SM), but test results have not been always agreed upon. The main purpose of this study was for determining whether strains resistant to either KM, CPM and SM were stiII maintaining the drug susceptibiIity to TUM-N. Thirty seven strains of M. tuberculosis were used in this test. The strains tested were isolated from Korean tuberculous patients who had previous history of chemotherapy with one of aminoglycoside antibiotics. The results were as foIIows: 1. CPM-resistant mutants isolated from 8 patients who had received CPM were resistant to TUM- N and VM, but susceptible to KM and SM. 2. KM-highly-resistant mutants isolated from 18 patients who had received KM were resistant to CPM, but unchanged in their susceptibility to TUM-N, VM and SM. 3. SM-resistant mutants is이ated from 8 patients who had received SM maintained susceptibility to aII drugs tested.

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