Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 28(4); 1981 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1981;28(4):145-149.
DOI:    Published online December 1, 1981.
Clinical Experience of Short-Course Chemotherapy for Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Myoung Hae Lee, Sung Koo Han, Young Soo Shim, Yong Chul Han
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
폐결핵 치료에 있어서 단기요법의 성과
이명혜, 한성구, 심영수, 한용철
A clinical trial was made on 100 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with the regimen of SHRZ for 9months (study group) and SHE or SHP for 18months (control group). Each group was consisted of 50 patients. Treatment failure rate was 6% in control group, 0% in study group. Postchemotherapy 6 month follow up rate was 82% vs 92%, 1 year follow up rate was 46% vs. 72 %, showing better patient compliance in study group. The relapse rate was 2. 4% vs 2. 2% in 6 month and 21. 8% vs. 8.3 % in 1 year, showing better result in study group. The side effect was more frequent in study group, which was mainly hepatotoxicity, (56% in study group vs. 10% in control group). In conclusion, we suggest that short-course chemotherapy with SHRZ shows better treatment result, better patient compliance and lower relapse rate, but significantly high complication rate.

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