Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 29(4); 1982 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1982;29(4):205-212.
DOI:    Published online December 1, 1982.
Immediate Effect of Cigarette Smoking on the Maximal Expiratory Flow-Volume Curve and Single Breath Nitrogen Washout Test
Young Hyun Lee, Myung Hye Lee, Byoung Whyui Choi, Chun Sik Park, Young Soo Shim, Keun Youl Kim, Young Chul Han
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
흡연이 폐환기능에 미치는 급성효과에 관한 연구
이영현, 이명혜, 최병휘, 박춘식, 심영수, 김건열, 한용철
Pulmonary function test was performed on 30 healthy male subjects to study the immediate effect of cigarette smoking on the small airway obstruction. The subjects were all in the second and third decades and had no respiratory problems. Maximal expiratory flow-volume curve and single breath nitrogen washout test were performed before and after a cigarette smoking. Statistical analysis was done by “student paired t test". The results were summarized as follows; 1) After smoking, there were significant changes in the MEF50, MEF25-75, closing capacity/ total lung capacity, which are all effort independent part of lung fung test(p<0. 05). 2) There were no significant changes in the FVC, closing volume/vital capacity(p>0. 05). 3) FEV1.0 and FEV1.0/FVC also showed significant change(p<0. 05). But whether it was caused by true smoking effect or the subject’s fatigue resulting from repeated (3-6 times) forced expiratory efforts, still remains in question.

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