Clinical Study on Primary Lung Cancer |
Uk Yong Lee, June Myung Kim, Sang Ho Jang, Kyung Rae Kim, Hee Young Sohn, Sung Kyu Kim, Won Young Lee, Ki Ho Kim |
Department of Internal Medicine YonSei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
원발성 폐암의 임상적 고찰 |
이욱용, 김준명, 장상호, 김경래, 손희영, 김성규, 이원영, 김기호 |
Abstract |
A clinical study was made on 200 cases of primary lung cancer at Severance Hospital from January 1980 to June 1982. The male to female ratio of the patient was 4.4: 1 and over 90 percent of the cases were beyond the age of 40 years.
The chief complaints in the order of frequency were cough(44.0%) , chest pain and discomfort(34.0%) , dyspnea(31. 5%) , sputum expectoration (15.5%) and hemoptysis (15.5%).
Abnormal bronchoscopic finding were noted in 101 cases and the frequent sites of bronchogenic carcinoma in the order of frequency were right upper lobe bronchus(31.7%), left upper lobe bronchus(18.8%) and left main bronchus (12.9%).
Matastasis was noted in 65% of the cases and the frequent site of metastasis in the order of frequency were extrapulmonary lymphnodes(36. 2%), bone(33.1 %), pleura(27. 7%) and mediastinum(16.9%). The 11 cases(5.5%) of the total of the 17 thoracotomies were resectable. |