Crossresistance between Tuberactinomycin-N, Capreomycin and Kanamycin of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis |
Gill Han Bai, Sang Jae Kim |
Korean lnstilule of Tuberculosis, Korean National Tuberculosis Association |
항결핵제 Tuberactinomycin-N의 Capreomycin과 Kanamycin에 대한 교차내성 시험 |
배길한, 김상재 |
Abstract |
Three hundred and thirty three strains of M. tuberculosis isolated from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who had no history of chemotherapy were completely inhibited at 50 mcg/ ml of Tuberactinomycin-N and 98% or more strains, at 25 mcg/ ml in LöwensteinJensen medium.
Of 183 strains from patients treated with KM for more than 6 months, 63 strains(34.4%) were resistant at 100 mcg/ ml of KM. Of those KM resistant strains, 53(84.1 %) were resistant to CPM while only 3 strains(4.8% ) were resistant to TUM-N. The drug susceptibility pattern of 2,759 strains from patients whose chemotherapy history were not known indicated considerable cross-resistance between TUM-N and CPM and one-way cross-resistance from KM to CPM, meanwhile cross-resistance from TUM-N or CPM to 'KM were not significant. |