A Clinical Study on the Lower Lung Field Tuberculosis |
Hee Young Sohn, Eun Kyun Woo, Sang Ho Chang, Sung Kyu Kim, Won Young Lee, Ki Ho Kim |
Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
하폐야 결핵의 임상적 고찰 |
손희영, 우은균, 장상호, 김성규, 이원영, 김기호 |
Abstract |
Lower lung field tuberculosis without concomitant upper lobe diseases occurred in 4 % of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis who πere admitted to Severance Hospital from January, 1983 to June, 1984. ln Our study of 41 cases, the majority(71 % ) were under 40 years of age and there were more women than men(M:F=1: 2. 4). Radiographic changes were found to be nearly equal in the right and left lung and in the basal and superior segments of the lower lobe. lnvolvement of the right middle lobe was rather interesting.
Extensive consolidation or collapse was found more often than upper lobar disease. Cavities were frequently found in the superior segment of both lower lobes. Tubercle bacilli were demonstrated on direct smear(61 %), on culture of sputum(37 %) and on smear of bronchial washing specimen(2% ). ln about half of the cases, a tentative diagnosis was pneumonia, bronchial disease or pleurisy etc. lmportant clues to a diagnmus against pneumonia were hemoptysis, normal white blood cell count, cavitation, hilar lymphadenopathy and especially failure to
improve with treatment for pneumonia. A lateral film of the chest was very beneficial, because it disclose hidden lesions such as collapse consolidation, infiltration and cavity which were not demonstrated by a routine chest P-A view. The results of treatment with antituberculous drugs were similar to those obtained in upper lobar tuberculosis. |