The Predicitive Value of Arterial Blood Gas Analysis and Radiologic Scores in ARDS |
Seong Gyu Hwang1, Su Taik Uh1, Byung Soo Ahn1, Dong Cheul Han1, Choon Sik Park1, Hyun Ho Kong2, Keun Youl Kim2, Yong Chol Han2 |
1Department of Internal Medicne, College of Medicine, Soon Chun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea 2Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea |
성인성호흡장애 증후군환자의 예후판정지표로서의 동맥혈가스분석 및 Radiologic Scores |
황성규1, 어수택1, 안병수1, 한동철1, 박춘식1, 공현호2, 김건열2, 한용철2 |
Abstract |
The adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by progressive respiratory distress, hypoxemia refractory to oxygen breathing and diffuse radiologic lung consolidation.
To evaluate the prognostic parameter of ARDS, clinical review, serial measurement of arter ial blood gases and serial evaluation of chest X-ray were performed at Medical Intensive Care Unit.
The ratio of arterial oxygen tension to alveolar oxygen tension(Pa02/PA02) and that of arterial oxygen tension to inspired oxygen fraction (Pa02/FiO2 ) in patients of recovered ARDS group was significantly higher than that in patients of non-recovered group from the 1st day to the 7th day on ventilator but the radiologic scores in patients of recorerved ARDS group tended to show lower value than that in patients of non-recovered ARDS group,
which was not stastically significant from 0 day to the 6-th day on ventilator.
These results suggest that the ratio of Pa02/PA02 and Pa02/FiO2 is valuable in predicting the prognosis of ARDS, but the Radiologic Scores is not predictive. |