Familial Infestation of Paragonimus Westermani Diagnosed by ELISA -Report of two families- |
Yong Chol Han, Choon Taek Lee, Yeon Tae Chung, Jun Hee Woo, Song Hyon Nam, Young Soo Shim, Keun Youl Kim |
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
면역효소진단법으로 진단된 가족내 동시감염 폐흡충증 |
한용철, 이춘택, 정연태, 우준희, 남송현, 심영수, 김건열 |
Abstract |
Pulmonary paragonimiasis is a parasitic disease of human caused by the ingestion of the cyst of paragonimus westermani, usually through the crab or crayfish intake. The route of transmission, therefore, may suggest the possibility of familial infestation of this parasitic disease.
Two cases of familial manefestation of pulmonary paragonimiasis are summarized as a successfully diagnosed and treated cases by ELISA method and Praziquentel. And also the diagnostic value of ELISA method and therapeutic value of Praziquentel are re vieτved with literature. |