Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 33(1); 1986 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1986;33(1):35-42.
DOI:    Published online March 1, 1986.
Clinical Study on Lung Cancer Associated with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Nam Soo Rhu, Sung Jin Kim, Sung Kwang Kim, Jun Ho Kim, Dong Il Cho, Jae Won Kim
Department of Chest Medicine, National Medical Center Seoul, Korea
폐결핵을 동반한 폐암환자에 대한 임상적 고찰
유남수, 김성진, 김성광, 이경덕, 김준호, 조동일, 김재원
Eighteen cases with lung cancer associated with pulmonary tuberculosis were found in 1.044 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis who were seen in the National Medical Center from January 1981 to September 1984. 1) All patients were male. The youngest was 46 years old and the oldest was 75. The average age was 62. 33% of the 18 cases were over 70 years. 2) The most common symptoms were chest pain, cough and expectoration, bloody sputum, dyspnea, weight loss, hoarsness and fever in that order. 3) Among the 18 cases, 8 cases(44%) were diagnosed as tuberculosis, 6 cases(33%) were suspected to pulmonary tuberculosis and lung cancer. Diagnosis was more difficult in active pulmonary tuberculosis. 4) Chest x-ray findings of lung cancer were mass shadows(5 cases) , collapse change(5 cases) , hilar enlargement(4 cases), pleurisy findings(2 cases) , bulging shadow (l case) , cavity formation (1 case). 5) Diagnosed type of lung cancer were 15 cases of epidermoid cell carcinoma, 2 cases of adenocarcinoma, 1 case of mixed type of epidermoid and small cell carcinoma. 6) In 14 cases(78%) malignant cells were revealed by the sputum cytology examination. 7) Metastasis to other organs were noted in 8 cases. Supra clavicular Iymph node metastasis is the most common(5 cases).

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