Diagnostic Value of Cervical Lymph Node Biopsy in Carcinoma of the Lung |
Weon Jeon Ahn, Kyung Sun Son, Sun Young Kim |
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University |
폐암환자에서 경부림프절 생검의 임상적 의의 |
안원전, 손경선, 김선영 |
Abstract |
Fifty four cases of cervical lymph node biopsy were analysed histopatho1ogically in patients with primary lung cancer associated with palpable cervical lymph node, admitted in CNUH from March 1983 to Ju1y 1985. The results are as follows :
1) The male to female ratio was 2.6: 1 and the most prevalent age was fifth and sixth decades.
2) The Clinical presentations were coughing, dyspnea, chest pain in order and weight 10ss, shou1der pain, mass on neck and hoarseness were relatively frequent associated with metastasis.
3) The cervical 1ymph node biopsy was performed 30 cases in right and 24 in left.
Histopathologically, the diagnosis of primary lung cancer was confirmed in 81. 5% of tota1 cases and the most common type was epidermoid cell carcinoma which constitutes 37% of total cases. There was no significant difference in cervical lymph node metastasis from primary site according to histopathologic type. |