Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 33(4); 1986 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1986;33(4):258-262.
DOI:    Published online December 1, 1986.
A Case Report Malignant Mesothelima Diagnosed in the Early Stage by Thoracoscopic Biopsy
Hee Jin Kim, Kwon Sik Jang, Dong Il Ahn, Sung Jin Kim, Sung Kwang Kim, Nam Soo Rhu, Dong Il Cho, Jae Won Kim
Department of Chest Medicine, National Medical Canter, Seoul, Korea
흉강경으로 조기진단한 악성 중배엽 상피종 1예
김희진, 장관식, 안동일, 김성진, 김성광, 유남수, 조동일, 김재원
Approximately 3,000 ml of sanguinous pleural fluid was aspirated, and a percutaneous pleural biopsy was performed. The pathology report, including pleural fiuid cytology and the pleural biopsy, indicated and stypical mesothelial cell hyperplasia. For further svaluation, a thoracoscopy was right middle and lower lobes. This was more pronounced around the interlobar fissure between the middle and lower lobe. Several biopsies were done, and an epithelial type of malignant mesothelioma was confirmed histopathologically. In this case, the malignant mesothelioma could be diagnosed with a thoracoscopic biopsy in an early stage, when the lesion was localized in the partial visceral pleura, prior to its spreading to the entire viscaral pleura and parietal pleura. With this procedure, we could avoid an open-lung biopsy. Thoracoscopy is an easy and simple prodedure for the early diagnosis of pleural disease

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