Clinical Study on 28 Cases of Endobronchial Tuberculosis |
Jin Hoon Moon, Seoung Young Kim, Seoung Ju Lee, Du Heoung Kim, Jong Sik Kang, Soon Chul Hwang |
Department of Internal Medicin, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital, Pusan, Korea |
기관지 결핵 28예의 임상적 고찰 |
문진훈, 김승영, 이승주, 김두형, 강종식, 황순철 |
Abstract |
A clinical study was done on 28 patients confirmed as endobronchial tuberculosis, who have visited the department of Internal Medicine, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital during January 1986 to November 1988.
The peak incidence was in the third decade and male to female ratio was 1:2.1. The most common symptom was cough (78.6%) and dyspnea, chest discomfort, fever and hemoptysis were presenting symptoms in order of their frequency.
In auscultatory findings, decreased breath sound was most common (32 .1%) and followed by rale and wheezing. In chest x.ray, atelectasis was observed in 50%. Bronchoscopy showed stenosis in 46.4%
and inflammation and/ or necrosis in 42.9%. Among 28 endobronchial Tbc, biopsy was performed in 25 cases and chronic granulomatous inflammation was 52%.
Therapy with antituberculosis drug plus steroid was performed in 3 cases, among which 1 case showed obvious clinical and radiological improvement. At presentation, 2 cases had already severe bronchial stenosis with atelectasis, and pneumonectomy was performed. |