Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 37(1); 1990 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1990;37(1):59-65.
DOI:    Published online March 1, 1990.
A Physiologic Study in Interstitial Lung Disease by Exercise Testing
Kye Young Lee, Hee Soon Chung, Sang Do Lee, Sung Koo Han, Young Soo Shim, Keun Youl Kim, Yong Chol Han
Department of Internal Medicine and Tuberculosis Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
간질성폐질환에서의 운동부하검사에 관한 연구
이계영, 정희순, 이상도, 한성구, 심영수, 김건열, 한용철
An incremental exercise test was performed in 18 patients with interstitial lung disease Using bicycle ergometer to evaluate the exercise capacity, the pattern of ventilation, and gas exchangé The maximum oxygen uptake (max V02 ) was 1.02 ± 0.34 L/ min (46.4 ± 12.9% of predicted value). Anaerobic threshold was determined in 4 among 18 patients, and the oxygen uptake at the determined anaerobic threshold was 0.87 L/ rnin (39.8% of predicted max V02 ). The characteristic breathing pattern with exercise was high frequency ventilation, which was more than 50 frequencies/min. with the respect of contribution in the increase of rninute ventilation, the fractional increase of breathing frequency was significantly higher than that of tidal volume (p<0.01). The breathing reserve de. creased to 9.7± l 1.6% , but the heart rate reserve was preserved as 15.3 ± 6.9%. The maximum oxygen pulse was 7.31 ± 2.08 L/ min/beat (59.1± 15.3% of predicted value). The Pa02 was 71.1± 11.4 rnmHg at resting and it was significantly decreased to 54.6± l 1.9 mmHg (p<0.01) at maximal exercise and the range of decrease in Pa02 was 15.9 ±10.1 mrnHg. The correlation coefficients were investigated between the resting pulmonary function pararneters and the exercise testing pararneters. There were significant correlations between FVC and max V02 (r=0.5776, n=18), and between resting Pa02 and max V02 (r=0.6983, n=15/ p<0.01). It can be concluded that the exercise test might be a valuable tool for determining the degree of physiologic impairment in interstitial lung disease, and the parameters of lung function at resting state may not reflect the exercise capacity which is closely related to the severity of exertional dyspnea.

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