Bronchial Hyperreactivity in Subjects with Smail Airway Disease Using Methacholine Bronchial Provocation Test |
In Won Park, Sung Ho Hue |
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University , Seoul, Korea |
소기도 질환에서의 Methacholine 기관지 유발시험을 이용한 기관지과민 반응 |
박인원, 허성호 |
Abstract |
Bronchial hyperreactivity is the term used to describe the tendency of the airways to bronchocon-
strict to specific stimuli such as allergens and to nonspecific (nonallergic) stimuli which affect most asthmatic patients. A bronchial provocation test with methacholine and histamine are useful in assessment of patients with respiratory disease. Nonspecific bronchial responsiveness can be quantitated by inhalation test with methacholine or histamine, by exercise, or by isocapnic hyperventilation of cold air, and may be increased in asthma and other conditions such as chronic obstructive bronchitis and cystic fibrosis. But, there has not been a report about bronchial hyperreactivity for a disease process affecting small airway, defined as those 2 mm in diameter or less. In order to assess the bronchial hyperreactivity in subjects with small airway disease and to compare the FEV1 and airway resistance (Raw), 30 male subjects were examined for bronchial hyperreactivity using methacholine.
The results were as follows;
1) The significant difference in FEV1 between normal and subjects with small airway disease was revealed at the concentration of 25 mg/ml (1 : 0).
2) The significant differences in Raw between normal and subjects with small airway disease were revealed at the concentration of 1 mg/ml (1 : 0) and 25 mg/ ml (1 : 5 & 1 : 0).
3) Four of 15 subjects with small airway disease were positive in bronchial provocation test by Raw, whereas none of the normal was positive.
4) Three of 15 subjects with small airway disease were positive in bronchial provocation test by FEV1, whereas none of normal was positive.
5) Raw may be preferable to FEV1 for assessing the bronchial hyperreactivity in subjects with small airway disease because it is more sensitive and simple method . |