Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 37(2); 1990 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1990;37(2):160-166.
DOI:    Published online June 1, 1990.
Clinical Study of Pulmonary Embolism
Young Sun Kim, Kwang Hee Lee, Sung Woo Cho, Soo Taek Uh, Yeon Tae Jung, Yong Hun Kim, Chun Sik Park
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University, Seoul, Korea
폐동맥색전증으로 확진된 환자들의 임상적 고찰
김영선, 이광희, 조성우, 어수택, 정연태, 김용훈, 박춘식
Pulmonary embolism is a life threatening disease that needs early and accurate diagnosis and prompt management. In order to find the better way to recognize and treat the patients with pulmonary embolism, clinical characteristics were analyzed from the chart record of the patients with pulmonary ernbolism from january, 1985 to Agust, 1989. The result are as follows; 1) There was no significant difference in sex, mean age was 49.6 years and above 60 were 10 patients (52 .6%). 2) The risk factors were deep vein thrombosis and varicose vein in lower extremities (73.6%). old age above 60 years (52.6%), operation (1 5.8%), heart disease (1 0.5%), obesity (1 0.5%). and unknown origin (10 .5%) 3) The common symptoms were dyspnea (73.3%) , chest paill (63.2%), hemoptysis (3 1.5%) 4) The common physical findings were tachypnea over 20/ min (57.9%) , rales on auscultation (36.8%), tachycardia over 100/ min (31.5%). 5) The patients with hypoxia (Pa02 < 60 mmHg) were 4 (21 %). 6) The electrocardiography showed normal finding in 63.2%, ST -T change in 15.8%, and QRS abnormalities in 15.8%. 7) The chest X-ray showed infiltration in 26.3%, pleural effusion in 10.5%‘ and normal in 68.4% 8) The lung perfusion scan showed total lung defect in 10.5%, lobar defect in 73.7%, and segmental defect in 15.8%. 9) The initial impression were pulmonary embolism in 41.2%. pneumonia or pulmonary tuberculosis in 31.5%, and ischemic heart disease in 15.8%.

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