Tuberc Respir Dis > Volume 37(3); 1990 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1990;37(3):313-317.
DOI:    Published online September 1, 1990.
A Case of Pulmonary Metastasis of Thyroid Cancer with Pneumoconiosis
Kyung Ah Kim, Hyeon Woo Yim, Young Lim, Im Goung Yun
Department of Occupational Disease, Catholic University of Medical College, Seoul, Korea
갑상선종양의 폐전이를 동반한 진폐증 1예
김경아, 임현우, 임영, 윤임중
Pneumoconiosis which is the interstitial lung disease resulting from the chronic inhalation of an respirable dust is the most common occupational disease in Korea. In preventing of disability due to pneumoconiosis, special medical program is excuted routine interval. ìVe have to differentiate pneumoconiosis from miliary tuberculosis, metastatic cancer, sarcoidosis, hemosiderosis, lymphoma, histiocytosis-X, histoplasmosis, viral pneumonia, and so on This 52-year-old male patient was admitted to the St. Mary’s Hospital due to chest tightness for 1 year. He had experienced pulmonary tuberculosis 30 years ago and operation due to thyroid mass 2 years ago. Chest radiographs showed multiple nodules of r-type that were mainly distributed in the hilar regions and the middle lobes. We could diagnose this as pulmonary metastasis of thyroid cancer with pneumoconiosis by open lung biopsy.

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