The Audiometric Studies on Chronic Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Treated with Streptomycin |
Kwang Sub Chang1, Heung Jai Choi1, Kiho Kim1, Hyun Soo Kim2, Sang Ha Yoon2 |
1Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine and Soon Wha Hospital, Seoul, Korea 2Department of Otolaryngology, Yonsei University College of Medicine and Soon Wha Hospital, Seoul, Korea |
Abstract |
1) The audiometric studies of 103 case Selected from the Chronic pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Soon Wha Hospital were done.
2) This study revealed that the hearing impairment is increased in its occurrence and severity along with the increasing amount of Streptomycin administered, and this tendency is more evident in the frequencies other than conversational area.
3) In the detection of hearing impairment in Streptomycin toxity, the routine audiometric study is the primal importance rather than it's emergence of subjective symptoms. |