Tuberc Respir Dis > Issue 28; 1967 > Article
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases 1967;28:5-11.
Some Opinions on the Recent Trencls of Treatment & Control of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Korea
Chan-Sae Lee
Visiting Professor, lnternal Medicine, Catholic Medical College Private oflice at Kwancholdong, Jongro-Koo, Seoul, Korea
① The author reviewed the recent trends of treatment & Control of Pulmonary tuberculosis in Korea and stated some of his over opinions. ② The author believes that the principle method of treating tuberculosis by outpatient bases will be only on emergency measures and that the guideline of present WHO for developing country with a phylosophy of economic and egual maximal coverage theory seems to be quasi-socialism which way interfere normal development of tuberculosis control policy. ③The sputum examination is a definite and final diagnostic measure. However, this should not be a substitutor of X-ray examination and this must be a supplementary to X-ray examination for the completion of tuberculosis diagnosis. ④To further improvement of the effectiveness of tuberculosis treatment and control it is necessary to provide regional tuberculosis hospital and research institute connected with it to assist local health center as to increase it's numbers only.

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