Percutaneous pig- tail catheter drainage in the management of lung abscesses. |
Y C Lee, Y S Lee, Y K Rhee |
Department of Internal Medicine, Chonbuk University Medical School, Chonju, Korea |
Abstract |
Background Patients with pyogenic lung abscess who do not respond to medical therapy are usually candidates for thoracotomy with pulmonary resection. Percutaneous tube drainage used routinely and with good results before the antibiotic era, has nearly been forgotten.
Methods We treated 8 patients who had poor cadidates for a lobectomy and didn’t respond to medical management. A pig-tail catheter (6 to 10 Fr.) was inserted into the abscess under the fluoroscopic guidance.
Results All patients brought about dramatic c1inical responses with prompt c10sure of cavity and radiographic improvement.
Conclusion Percutaneous pig-tail catheter drainage provides excellent clinical results with ease and safety, and avoids unnecessary loss of functioning lung parenchyma. But lobectomy should be considered in patients who major life-threatening bleeding or massive pulmonary necrosis. |
Key Words:
Percutaneous pig-tail catheter drainage, Lung abscess |