Among the out-patients who visit a TB sanatorium, we find some patients who complain of indefinite symptoms such as headache, insomnia, dizziness, palpitations, loss of appetite , and malaise.
At the onset of tuberculosis, patients usually complain of fever , cough , sputum and chest pain , but on the other it was mentioned by Pottengcr, Pagcl, Alexander, Kurs-Schlapper and Sakamoto that tuberculosis often begins with neurotic symptoms such as insomnia, dizziness , Anxiety, disturbance of memory and disturbance of attenti on and concentration. After examining those out-patients who complain of neurotic symptoms, and finding no organic ch anges, we usually explain to them that there is nothing wrong with them. Sometimes we try to treat them for ne urosis. But we recognize that some of those out-patients un fortunately develop tuberculosis in the future . It is unwise to make a diagnosis of neurosis in such out-patients, and possibility of their symptoms being those of early tuberculosis must always be born in mind. |