Present Status of Discharged Tuberculosis Patients at Health Center and Prevalence Tate of Their Family |
Song Kwan Lee, Dal Hyo Song |
Department of Preνentive Medicine and Public Health, School of Medicine, Kyungpook University, Taegu, Korea |
결핵 퇴록 환자의 실태와 그들 가족 접촉자의 이환에 관하여 |
이성관, 송달효 |
Abstract |
There are many problems in Tuberculosis control preblems.
First of all, the selection of patients who are registered for treatment at health center excluded the minimal cases and so severe incurable patients will be registered. Second, the inadequate regimen of drugs and insufficient tratment caused a low rate of inactivation and so many active cases were discharged in the community. Third, there is no supervision and control for discharged tuberculosis patients in Korea. These situation enhanced the transmission of tubercle bacilli to their family and sorrounding community.
The aim of this study is a confirmation of preseht status of discharged patients and of infection and prevalence of their family.
Objectives are patients discharged for 3 years in the area and as a control the people who were confirmed normal X-ray view at 3 years ago.
According to examination of the discharged patients were divited into four categories: active with bacteriological positive cases, active but sputum negative cases, inactivecases and death cases after discharge.
The results were compared to the data obtained from control group.
1. Present status of 46 discharged cases;
active and sputum positive cases: 16 active and sputum negative cases: 10 inactive cases: 14 death cases: 6
2. Tuberculin positive rate:
Control group: 5 mm or more induration: 59.1 % 10 mm or more induration: 39.8% Experimental group: 5 mm or more induration: 71. 3% 10 mm or more induration: 54.6% active and sputum positive cases: 10mm or more induration: 75. 0% active and sputum negative cases: 10mm or more induration: 40.4% inactive cases: 10 mm or more induration: 49.3% death cases: 10 mm or more induration: 40.0% Natural infection rate of those aged under 14 years:
control group: 21. 7% experimental group: 43.7%
3. Prevalence rate:
control group: 0.7% experimental group: 5. 0% active and sputum positive cases: 10.0% active and sputum negative cases: 1. 9% inactive cases: 1. 4% death cases: 5.7% |