A Case Report of Oropharyngeal Tuberculosis |
Hwa Sig Shin, Nam Young Kang, Kee Yong Hong, So Yeon Kim, Byung Ik Park |
Department of Internal Medicine, National Police Hosptial, Seoul, Korea |
폐결핵에서 동반된 구인두 결핵 1예 |
신화식, 강남영, 홍기용, 김소연, 박병익 |
Abstract |
A 22-year old male patient suffering from swallowing difficulty due to oropharyngeal mass visited the out patient department of National Police Hospital The biopsy specimen from oropharγngeal wall revealed the lesion to be a pharyngeal tuberculosis. The chest P-A film showed moderately advanced pulmonary tuberculosis and the sputum revealed positive acid fast bacilli on smear. 1 month after antituberculous medication, the pharyngeal mass was decreased in size and clinical symptom were much relived. |