A Case Report of Mediastinal Leiomyosarcoma. |
Won Yeon Lee, Kang Hyun Ahn, Soon Hee Jung, Jae Hyang Koh, Byung Soo Yoo, Suk Joong Yong, Kye Chul Shin |
Abstract |
The leiomyosarcoma is uncommom tumor that consists of 10% of all sarcoma incidence and commonly arise from retroperitomeum or mesentery. But leiomyosarcoma arose from mediastinum is very rare and only incidental case report is present. Mediastial leiomyosarcoma may originate from superior vene cava, pulmonary artery, small vessels of alveoli, esophagus and cardiac muscle. Common symptoms that are related with leimoyosarcoma of mediastinum are cough and dydpnea but dysphagia, chest pain and hemoptysis can be produced. Although long term survival after complete resection of tumor was reported in localized disease, there wes no effective therapy that prolong the survival in patients who had disseminated disease of huge tumor mass. We report the case of posterior mediastinal leiomyosarcoma confirmed by aspiration cytology and immunohistochemical staining, along with a review of literature. |
Key Words:
Leiomyosarcoma, Mediastinum, Immunohistochemical staining |